Saturday, October 13, 2012

Update on yours truly!

Is anyone still reading this? 

I'm sorry for being such an uninteresting slacker!

I've been promoted to full-time at my job and feel like I've been doing nothing but work and sleep these past few weeks!

But, no more, I say! I miss blogging and I'm back for good!

To catch you up on my life, here are some photos!

Wavy hair! I got a waving iron and I'm obsessed, been doing my hair like this almost every day!

The TARDIS door I made for Justin's birthday...he loves Dr. Who!

Koalas on the neighbor's tree! We never figured out why they were there.

Was amazed to see this on tv the other day, heck yes!

Raspberry cupcake!

The view from our window this morning. I love rainy fall days!
I hope everyone is having a great October! Justin and I will be celebrating our third anniversary on the 15th and I'm super excited! Perhaps I'll do a post about that next!



  1. Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you're back! What does a waving iron look like?

  2. Thanks Rosie!

    These are waving irons!


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