Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wedding planning galore!

Only 8 months to go until Justin and I get married! We plan to tie the knot sometime in October, hopefully the exact date will be set this weekend when we book our venue for the ceremony and reception.
Since I'm in full wedding planning mode these days, I thought it'd be fun to share some of my inspiration for the big day. I've been Pinterest-ing like a mad woman and I have so many things I want to incorporate, it's kind of crazy!
I would love to have a photo like this taken before the wedding!
This would be a nice way to have a cake and cupcakes at the same time.
I have a little suitcase that would be perfect for collecting cards...of course I'd make the inside all pretty instead!
So many balloons!
What a sweet idea, we could have something like this next to the guestbook.
It would be so pretty to line the aisle we walk down with these...purple flowers though!
Everything about this is perfection.
Back to my planning, have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's almost Valentine's Day

(not sure what's up with the formatting on this post, I keep trying to fix it and Blogger isn't letting me...that's why the fonts look all weird)

and because we're getting married later this year, I thought it'd be fun to share how Justin and I met and got to where we are now!

So back in 2009 I was going to school for art and taking what were called 'foundations' classes. One of the classes was 3D Concepts, where we had to make sculptures out of things. There were two guys that sat next to me, and they were always talking to each other and generally acting like fools. The one wasn't all that interesting, but the other caught my attention. His name was Justin. We agreed to go to lunch together at Pita Pit after class one day.

I had just gotten out of a relationship, and Justin still had a girlfriend at the time. We continued to hang out as friends for a few month. Then he told me he had broken up with his girlfriend and did I want to go on an actual date? Of course I did!

From then on we were inseparable. He came with me to family holidays....

We celebrated birthdays together (this was the year my birthday theme was 'Tacky Tea Party' not sure what I'm doing but yes, Justin is wearing a skirt)

 We dated for a little over a year and then got engaged on October 15, 2010. It was such an amazing day!

We decided to have a long engagement because I was still in school at the time. So life went on, only now we were (and still are!) engaged. 

Now here we are today! The wedding will be in October of this year, and of course I will have a post dedicated to that when the time comes.
I'll leave you with this gem of a photo.
If that doesn't say true love, I don't know what does!
(Linking this up with Bonnie over at The Life of Bon, aka one of my favorite blogs!)