Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Sunday Currently #8

I've been such an absent blogger this week, but the good news is we finally got all moved into our new apartment yesterday, so I should have more time now!
And with that, it's time for the usual Sunday routine!
Reading: haven't had time to read much of anything, which makes me sad. Today I'm playing catchup on all the blogs I follow!
Writing: my monthly to-do list and schedule of bills...gotta love being an adult.
Listening: to footsteps on the floor above me. It's weird transitioning from a house to an apartment again, so many odd noises to get used to.
Thinking: that I should probably go shower so I can at least LOOK productive today :)
Smelling: air? haha nothing really
Wishing: it was a little warmer in here, we're a little below ground level so it's cooler than I'm used to.
Hoping: the sun will come out!
Wearing: I bet you can guess, sweats and a hoodie. I need to start writing these later in the day, I promise I have actual cute clothes!
Loving: the view from our living room window, there's a little courtyard with some pretty plants.
Wanting: I could go for some coffee right about now.
Needing: some nude colored tights and a few plain white tees for layering so I can wear all my pretty sundresses to work!
Feeling: still tired from the move...wake up, self!
Clicking: my Bloglovin' feed...I have 299 unread posts!
Linking up with Lauren!


  1. Haha, I should probably go shower & put on something cute too, but I figure I do that almost every day, so one lazy day is allowed ;) And I never knew how to answer "currently smelling" either. Is it weird that I`m not usually smelling anything? Lol.


  2. Secret? This morning I marked my Bloglovin feed as "read" so I could pretend to be up to date!!!! Haha. Don't tell anyone! :)

  3. yay for being finished with your move! it is strange to go from a house to an apartment. we live in an apartment right now, & the people above us just finished installing hardwood floors, then they got a puppy. you would think the noise would bother me, but it kind of soothes me, in a way.


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