Monday, May 27, 2013

The Sunday (er, Monday) Currently #7

 A day late, yes, but no matter, here we go!
Reading: Island of Lost Girls by Jennifer McMahon, and the newest issue of Bust. Forgot how much I love this magazine!
Writing: as usual, not a whole lot
Listening: at the moment I have Aaliyah in my head. Anyone remember that old song of hers, Are You That Somebody? Classic.

 Thinking: about how awesome the goodies I got in the mail from Rachel are! Full post to come soon :)
Smelling: rain, rain and more rain. Yesterday we had to try three different routes to get home from Justin's parent's house because the roads were flooded. Fail, Mother Nature.
Wishing: I had this coming Saturday off work so I could help with the moving process. My dad is coming down, so Justin won't have to do everything by himself, but still.
Hoping: our roommate stays upstairs playing his video game all day. I just want time to myself, dangit!
Wearing: what has become my day off uniform, sweats and a tank
Loving: Iced coffee, I could drink it all day. But then I'd be a crazy, over-caffeinated weirdo talking a mile a minute. So maybe it's better that I don't.
Wanting: Wedges. Heels hurt my feet too much and I can actually walk in these! Particularly looking for ones that are cute, not open-toe so I can wear them to work, and not super expensive. Let me know if you spot any!

Needing: to make myself some lunch, but I haven't yet decided what I want.
Feeling: relaxed, and excited to move!
Clicking: random articles on Thought Catalog. Seriously, I get sucked into this site for hours just clicking from one article to the next. 

Per usual, linking up with Lauren for this post!


1 comment:

  1. ohhhh, i wish i could drink iced coffee all day. but, like you said, i'd be talking like a crazy person. it's soooo good, though!


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