Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thrifting treasures!

So you've all been waiting on the edge of your seats to see what I got, no?

First, the clothes
purple skirt

dress (F21 tags still on it!)

Then I found 4 books...

and a little owl figurine.
Then to top it all off, Justin picked up these lovelies for me on his way home from work! I love my fiance :)
Here we have Justin, in his very first appearance on here!
I was going through his Instagram just now asking which photo he wanted me to post and this was the was between this and one of him in a bowtie.
You want to see that now too, don't you?
Thought so.



  1. awwh!! you got books from thrif stores! I always forget how great thrift stores are for used/pre-loved/ secondhand and CHEAP books!
    Much love - Alexa ^.^ xxxx

  2. It's true! I was amazed that I found one of my favorite books that I didn't own yet. I had fun looking through the ones I had no intention of buying too, like the cheesy 80s romance novels...they're so horrid!

  3. What great thrifty finds!! I can't believe the tags were still on that dress, and books are probably my number one weakness...especially if they're cheap!
    I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you could return the follow if you get the chance and wish to :)

  4. Oh oh I love the dress! Thanks for commenting about Ruppert { the chinchilla }, he's grateful. Haha, I hope you & your finace have a great weekend!


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