Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If you really knew me

(I'm pretty sure I've seen this topic on almost every blog I follow, now it's my turn!)

If you really knew me, you'd know that I'm addicted to Starbucks Frappuccinos, the ones in the glass bottles. Doesn't matter what kind, I love them all!

If you really knew me, you'd probably think I have slight ADD, because my conversations are all over the place. One minute I'm pondering what I want for lunch and before you know it I'm going on about whether owls have eyebrows. For the record, they do. :)

If you really knew me, you'd know I really love scary shows. Put on some old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries or Disappeared and I'll be glued to the tv for hours, only tearing myself away to look up more information online. Sometimes I think I should have gotten a criminology degree.
If you really knew me, you'd know that I've wanted to be a ballerina since the age of four, despite being hopelessly uncoordinated. I took a ballet class in college and let's just say it was....interesting. Luckily, I can wear ballet-esque outfits to my heart's desire to make up for it.
If you really knew me, you'd know I'm always searching for new books and music to obsess over. So if you can introduce me to something I end up loving, we'll probably be besties for life.
That was fun! Let me know in the comments if you decide to do this or already have, so I can check it out!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So grateful!

My friend Rosie is so sweet! She made the two gorgeous buttons that you see on my left sidebar!

Go visit her at Craftbotic, she is an amazing gal and was one of my very first blog friends!

And Rosie, if you're reading this, thanks again!! :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jewelry Swap!

Today I'm here to show you what I got in the jewelry swap I participated in, sponsored by Melissa of The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife!

I actually received two pieces of jewelry; on the left is an orange link bracelet and on the right is a flower necklace! I love them both and am searching for just the right picture to put in the middle of the flower!

This is the card that came with it :) Thank you so much to Jess of Mish Mashed Mama for sending these lovely pieces to me!

I'm very happy to have participated in this swap and can't wait for the next one!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm still here, don't worry!

Did I scare you all? Did you think I was gone forever? Nope, I'm back!

What have I been up to?

I got glasses! (Not the best photo but you get the idea.)

Went to the state fair, where I met a large rooster....

and hung out with two of my coworkers, Virginia and Ally!

Made inappropriate bracelets with Ally!

Sat on the deck and read!

As you can see, I've been super busy :) I'm off to catch up on all my blogs now!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I love gloomy weather!

Is that weird? I really do though. It's been super cloudy and raining here all day and I can't get enough of it. It might be due to the severe lack of it lately, but I've always loved rainy days. Combined with being Sunday, it's the best kind of day for relaxing.
Justin and I got coffee, took long naps, and I caught up on my blogs. Tonight, I'm planning on relaxing in the bath with a book before bed. Pure happiness!









 Best. Day. EVER!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Oh hey there, just typing this from bed!

Yes, while my lovely fiance snores snoozes next to me. Life is grand.

If I had any sense I'd be sleeping too....yeah.

Except I'd probably have a dream like I did the other night.

There I was, minding my own business here at home. Then I realized someone was trying to break in. I looked through the peephole and saw this face:

Yeah...the dad from Pretty in Pink was trying to break into my house.  Seriously, WHAT KIND OF DREAM IS THAT?!

When I told Justin, he just laughed at me.

So I hope someone ridiculous shows up in HIS dreams tonight, just to get back at him.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend Music Break!

I'm so happy that it's finally Saturday night. Not because I have any sweet plans...actually the opposite. I get to have lazy time and hang out with Justin!

That also means I have time to update on here!

So I thought it'd be fun to share a few of my favorite music videos! I think it's inspiring when images and music come together, whether it's to tell a story or just show the band hanging out together. None of these are new, but they've been special to me for awhile and I'd love to hear what you think of them!
(All videos from Youtube)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

11 things

Good afternoon everyone!

I was looking through old posts on my Tumblr a bit ago (
and came across these questions.
So I thought it'd be fun to post here, since some of my answers have changed!
I'm sure most of you have done one of these before, but if not, feel free to fill it out!

1. What would be your last supper?
This is a tricky one, because I love almost all kinds of pasta...but I'm gonna go with cheese tortellini, with a side of garlic toast.

2. Who is your favorite artist, or art movement, and why?
I'd say my favorites are probably surrealism and pop art.
3. What is your favorite cd, that you are also the most embarrassed by? 
I don't even know where my cds are; I haven't seen them in years! But...let's go with Spice Girls :) Still know all the words!
4. What is the most humiliating experience you’ve ever had? 
Hmm...having a seizure, passing out, and hitting my body on the toilet as I fell.  Don't worry, it was a few years ago and I'm fine now! But it was super embarrassing at the time.

5. Who, through out time, what you most like to meet and tell off?
All the nasty mean girls throughout middle/high school. I'd let them know I'm not the least bit intimidated by them anymore.

6. What tv show will you watch over and over the most without becoming sick of it? 
My So-Called Life, Degrassi Junior High (the original) and Unsolved Mysteries (the old one)

7. Of the last 4 decades, which would be your favorite? If you weren’t alive during the ’80s that is fine too. 
Other than the 80s, I’d say the 60s. The fashion and music were phenomenal, and I really like French New Wave movies, especially A Woman is a Woman. Basically, I’d want to be Anna Karina!

8. Who do you think is the most overrated current musician?
Lady Gaga, without a doubt.

9. What is something about you that no one else would ever guess?
I have horrible vision in my right eye. Without my contacts or glasses all I can see is the big letter E on the eye chart.
10. Have you ever seen a ghost?
I haven't, but my fiance is a paranormal investigator on the weekends so I'm sure he could tell you some stories!
11. If you could, ahem, turn back time, what is the one decision you would most change?
I wouldn't let other people influence me so much. I've been much happier since I've been doing things for me, not to please everyone else.