Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pinterest Lovelies 2!

Once again I've taken an extended blog break.

Once again, I'M BACK! 

Today I'm here to show some of my favorite things discovered on Pinterest

Love this color combo.

Would like to do something like this at our wedding.
This is soooo my style. (and the girl looks just like my friend Jess!)
Winter is my least favorite season, but I will admit this is beautiful. 
If anyone can make my hair look like this, I'll love you forever.
Ally, we need to have a perler bead night and make these!
Grumpy Cat, I adore you.
Follow me on Pinterest  to see more lovelies!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Something dirty

I've never been one of those people who can decide what they're going to wear the night before. However, I may have to change my ways after what happened Thursday morning.

What, you may be asking?

While taking my shower, I was pondering my outfit for the day. I had decided on a dress, therefore I would need tights, which were on the drying rack in the basement. 

No problem, I thought to myself. Justin and the roommate are both at work, so I'll just run downstairs real quick like and get my tights.

Our basement isn't finished, so no way am I going down there without something on my feet. Never know when there may be a stray spider that needs stomping.


I was putting my shoes on and happened to glance out the window. 



Oh, just a squirrel, peering in my window at me IN MY UNDERWEAR!

I had caught this little guy red handed. Or is it red pawed? Either way.

I knew there were squirrels around. In fact, there is a rather cute baby squirrel that hangs out in our front tree. 

But this one was clearly not a baby. 

This one was a peeping Tom!

That dirty scoundrel!






Sunday, November 4, 2012

Liebster Award!

I got a happy surprise when I checked my blog this morning! Stephili from Heart Soul Inspiration  nominated me for the Liebster Award!

I've never been nominated for anything related to blogging, so I'm super excited! Thank you so much Stephili

 So here’s the rules:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves

Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated to answer.

Choose 11 people and link them in your post.

Go to their page and tell them.

No tag backs!

Eleven things about me
1.  I collect vintage dishes. My dream is to find some super pretty Pyrex to display once I get a cabinet for them! Like these lovelies...
2.  Working at a craft store (Hobby Lobby) means I have a million ideas for projects, but not enough time in the day to make them. Le sigh.
3.  Every time I see a photo of Little Richard, it makes me giggle. It's not that I don't respect the guy, I know he's a legendary singer. But that mustache! For the longest time I thought he was wearing lip liner. I can't be the only one, right? 
4.  I envy people who are good at doing their hair. I try my hardest and the best I can do is messy buns and waves. My dream is to master french braiding because it's so pretty.

5.  Owls are my favorite animals; I have them arranged throughout my house.

6.  I love the game Clue and the movie based on it. I'm always Miss Scarlett when I play.

7. There is a baby squirrel that lives in the tree in front of our house, but I've yet to get a photo of him; he's too quick!

8.  I dislike any sort of yard work. Shoveling snow, mowing, raking leaves...I hate it all.

9.  I have a weakness for sweets. My favorites are peanut butter cups and saltwater taffy.

10.  I went to art school for awhile, but had to drop out when it got too expensive.

11. I'm fascinated by photos from New York City in the 1970s. I'm not sure why, because I obviously wasn't around then and have never been there. Yet I could look at photos like this for hours.

Stephili's Questions

1. If you could live in any time period which would you choose to live in and why? 

I would want to live in the 60s or 70s. From what I've gathered through pictures and books it was such an interesting time to be alive. That and I really like 60s fashions.  

2. Who or what is your biggest inspiration? 

I have two. I'm inspired by my mom, because she's always there for me and is a hard worker in everything she does, yet she still knows how to relax and have fun. My other inspiration is Anna Karina, mostly for her style and the films she's been in, but also she seems like she'd be a cool lady to meet.

3. You just won $2 Million in the lottery…. What are you going to do with the money? 

Pay off my loans and the rest of my bills. Buy a new car and some new clothes. Make a down payment on a house. Get some presents for Justin and my family. Then put the rest in savings. 

4. What is your favorite quote?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." 
~Albert Einstein  

5. Do you like sunny days or rainy days more?

I like a mixture of both. Like when a day starts out rainy and then the sun comes out. 

6. What is your favorite holiday and why? 

Either the 4th of July or Halloween, I like fireworks and warm weather, but also pumpkins and costumes. 

7. What has been the most memorable moment in your life so far? 

The day Justin proposed to me. I'll remember that day forever! 

8. Post a picture of where you’re from and tell us a little about it. 

I live in an average sized city in Iowa. It's a nice place to live; a good mix of things to do without being surrounded by gazillions (that's probably not a word, is it?) of people.
9. You get to pick where you want to eat. Where is it and what kind of food is served?

I'm by no means a restaurant expert. Take me somewhere with good mushroom pasta and I'll be happy! 

10. List 3 things in your life that mean everything to you. 

Justin. My family. My coworkers. I've met some of my best friends at work and they've become my second family. 

11. What do you love the most about blogging?

Getting to express my thoughts and meet new friends! 

My questions for you...

1.  If you could go back to any age you've been so far, what would it be and why?
2.  Favorite color?
3.  Are you a morning person or a night owl?
4.  Coffee, tea, or something else?
5.  What's something you'd recommend a visitor to do for fun if they came to your city/town?
6.  What's your favorite song at the moment? I need some new tunes!
7.  Would you consider yourself more imaginative or practical?
8.  Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names? 
9.  Favorite season?
10.  Last book you read? Did you like it?
11.  What is your earliest memory?

I nominate:

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts 

Daisy @ Bouxwho 

Rosie @ Craftbotic 

Krista Lynn @ Crescendo 

Bonnie @ Life of Bon 

Ally @ Allison McBride 

Lauren @ One of Five 

Veronica @ Veronica M.D.        


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rants, Raves and Randoms #1

Hey all!

I got the inspiration for this post from the lovely Andrea oLeft Brain, Right Brain, Pug Brain!

Here we go!


~ I went out to my car this morning and saw this
    No, not the creepy shadow, that's me.  Some moron knocked the side mirror off my car last night. I have a feeling it was one of the neighbors; they had a party. Morons.

~ Another car-related issue: my brakes squeak every time I use them. I'm starting to feel like a new car is on the horizon.

~ I've had it up to HERE with our roommate and his ignorance of household chores, particularly the dishes. Today was what felt like the tenth time that I've had to clean nasty, smelly dishes that aren't mine or Justin's. He's always cooking these elaborate meals that use every pan we own right after his turn doing the dishes. Then I get stuck doing them. Well, not anymore. He's going to hear about it when he gets back.


~ My hair is red now and I love it! It's been four years since I did anything with the color, so I decided it was time for a change! You can't really see a difference in this photo, I'll have to get a better one when it's not in a ponytail.
 ~ My mom brought me a record player during her last visit! Love me some Madonna!
 ~ Justin surprised me with a pumpkin pie after work one night! I don't have a photo because I ate it, but it was sooooo good! 

~ Last night I went to a Halloween party! Two friends and I dressed up as the witches from Hocus Pocus. It was a blast! That's me in the middle :)


~ The Hunger Games series. I said I was never going to read it, blah blah. Well now I am. And it's quite good.

~ I've been doing quite a bit of crafting lately. Pinterest, you have sucked me in. Once I've made enough things, I'll share!

~ I work Wednesday night, so I won't be home to hand out candy to trick or treaters. Sigh...maybe next year!

Time for me to read some more Catching Fire, tootles!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Update on yours truly!

Is anyone still reading this? 

I'm sorry for being such an uninteresting slacker!

I've been promoted to full-time at my job and feel like I've been doing nothing but work and sleep these past few weeks!

But, no more, I say! I miss blogging and I'm back for good!

To catch you up on my life, here are some photos!

Wavy hair! I got a waving iron and I'm obsessed, been doing my hair like this almost every day!

The TARDIS door I made for Justin's birthday...he loves Dr. Who!

Koalas on the neighbor's tree! We never figured out why they were there.

Was amazed to see this on tv the other day, heck yes!

Raspberry cupcake!

The view from our window this morning. I love rainy fall days!
I hope everyone is having a great October! Justin and I will be celebrating our third anniversary on the 15th and I'm super excited! Perhaps I'll do a post about that next!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Nail Polish Swap Goodies!

Hey all! Today is the day I get to reveal what I got from the nail polish swap, hosted by Rachel from LaLa Lists and Carly from Lipgloss and Crayons !

 I received a lovely package in the mail from my swap partner, Jessica.

Along with the super sweet handmade card, there were two polishes.

Sinful Colors in All About You

Sinful Colors in Lying Nails

All About You is a sparkly gold, which I wouldn't normally pick for myself but I love it and Lying Nails is the perfect shimmery autumn red! Thank you so much to Jessica for sending them to me! And to Rachel and Carly for hosting this awesome swap! I will for sure be participating in the next one.